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Plan an Event in Gothenburg

Here you get tips, tools and contacts for planning and carrying out your event in Gothenburg.

Collaboration with Göteborg & Co?

Contact one of us below and briefly describe your event or your idea and we will get in touch about…

A Sustainable Event - How to do it

Gothenburg & Co Events wants to provide attractive, unique and sustainable experiences for all. Just by choosing Gothenburg you get…

Event Venues in Gothenburg

Are you looking for an event venue in Gothenburg? We've gathered the city's event venues on one platform!

Good to know about travel to and around Gothenburg

Here you will find practical links about traveling to Gothenburg and once you are here. Feel free to share these…

Achieving a Gender Equal Event

Gothenburg is ready for a new era centered around gender equality. Hence, we have developed and introduced a concept for…

Events Calendar

The events calendar includes everything from theatre, shows, concerts and musicals to sports events, fairs, exhibitions and much more. Keep…