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Plan your meeting in Gothenburg

Which venues and hotels best suit your needs and how can your meeting make an impact? Here you’ll find everything you need to plan your meeting in Gothenburg.

Meeting Calendar

Upcoming meetings and fairs taking place in Gothenburg.

How it's done

Gothenburg is the best place in the world to organise a sustainable meeting and you get a lot of advantages…

Venue Finder

Find meeting venues, accommodation, and social venues in Gothenburg with our easy search tool.

Meetings with impact

We work closely with associations and stakeholders to ensure meetings generate a long-term, positive impact for the association and the…

Hybrid experiences for events and meetings

Discover digital meeting experiences and site visits of the future.

Social Dinner Venues

Gothenburg offers an abundance of venues, embracing sustainability, for small VIP dinners or cocktail parties for thousands of people. Find…


Collaboration is key. The Gothenburg organisers, transport companies and restaurants are eager to make your meeting something out of the…

Good to know about trips to and in Gothenburg

Below you will find practical links about traveling to Gothenburg and once you are here. Please share these pages with…

Promote your meeting

Discover our bustling city and enhance the promotion of your Gothenburg meeting on your website and other material through our…