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Solutions for climate-smart events

The emissions of CO2 from transportation must be reduced to near zero by 2030. This goal needs to be achieved while people travel, gather, and have the opportunity to experience new things. In this project, we will develop, test, and evaluate new solutions for the tourism industry, thereby moving closer to make events sustainable and emission-free.

Flygbild över ett fullsatt Ullevi under en konsert, publiken är upplyst av rött ljus

The project aims to:

  • Test and develop innovations that reduce emissions at various types of events.
  • Develop solutions for climate-smart events that can be used by actors within the Swedish tourism industry. Thus, the project contributes to creating favorable conditions for the industry to meet the city’s climate and environmental goals.
  • Create visibility for Swedish innovation in a way that benefits the Swedish tourism industry.

Project timeline:

The emissions from transportation is often significant in the total emissions of events. The project takes a systemic approach that includes solutions in the areas of

  • goods transportation,
  • passenger transportation,
  • food,
  • accommodations,
  • and other energy-intensive resources.

Solutions for events are easily visible and reach people when they are more open to change. The project’s focus on climate measures supports Sweden’s innovation power and benefits the Swedish tourism industry. The project also aims to create spin-off effects regarding innovations in transportation and mobility that can be implemented in other Swedish cities, municipalities, and regions, as well as in the global market.

No one will provide us with the answers to emission issues; we must find the solutions ourselves. We do this by working together and thinking outside the box. It may be a small idea, or it may be many ideas combined. Regardless, our task is to experiment until we find solutions that help us achieve the goal of making Gothenburg a sustainable destination by 2030, where we can enjoy emission-free and high quality events.

Filip Eklund, Environmental Coordinator at Göteborg & Co, leads the project package: Testing and Evaluation.


Testing during the Coldplay concerts this summer

During the Coldplay concerts at Ullevi in July, the transportation of the visitors will be mapped, and car travellers from the south will be offered free public transportation for the last part of their journey. It is no coincidence that Coldplay’s four concerts at Ullevi have been chosen as test events. The British band’s world tour has become a platform for promoting sustainable practices, green technologies, and environmental engagement. By following the three principles of “Reduce,” “Reinvent,” and “Restore,” the band is close to reducing its carbon dioxide emissions by 50% compared to previous tours. The transportation of the visitors accounts for a significant portion of the total emissions.

Everyone who has purchased a ticket to any of Coldplay’s Ullevi concerts will be asked to respond to a survey about how they will be travelling to Gothenburg and the arena. Those who arrive by car from the south will be offered parking in Mölndal and free public transportation to Ullevi Arena.

The overall goal is to reduce emissions associated with events, fairs, and meetings, and to create conditions for the industry that contributes to both economic and social values. During the Coldplay concerts, tests will be conducted to evaluate how information and offers can influence the visitors' travel behavior and reduce their carbon dioxide emissions. It is a step towards developing effective tools for the sustainability efforts of the tourism industry.

Filip Eklund, Environmental Coordinator

The four parts of the project

Testing and Evaluation

The project’s starting point is to work with the idea of “Lead by example,” where the project acts as a pioneer by testing and implementing new solutions. The tests are evaluated both based on actual emissions reductions and from an innovation perspective that examines how different solutions are experienced and used. The results of the tests and the solutions are added to the toolbox. These solutions will be made available for the event industry to use in creating climate-smart events.

The tests are conducted within the project’s five areas and can be anything: a communication campaign, measurement of an existing effort, behavior change, digital tools, visitor consumption, or infrastructure. The important aspect is the innovation process and testing various solutions to reduce the carbon footprint of events. The project will strive to both test and implement the solutions throughout the project with the goal of having them become standard solutions for events, both for Göteborg & Co and the event industry.


The project aims to develop a digital toolbox. Event organizers will be able to use the tools to plan events with low greenhouse gas emissions. The development of the toolbox will build upon existing tools and databases developed for travel and accommodations, such as “” and Travel CO21.

The new toolbox will include various options to reduce emissions from, passenger and freight transportation, food and beverages, energy requirements, resource management and waste solutions and other products consumed during an event (such as textiles and disposable items). The toolbox will display the emissions associated with each option. The toolbox will also provide information on the costs of different solutions.

Innovation labs

At least two innovation labs will be conducted, with a focus on passenger and freight transportation. Innovators, stakeholders, entrepreneurs, creators, officials, and others will participate in a series of workshops to identify solutions and concepts related to the sources of emissions. The ambition is to test solutions and concepts that emerge from the innovation labs within the Testing and Evaluation part of the project.

Project management, communication, and dissemination of results

The different parts of the project will be coordinated as a cohesive unit, with a timeline that facilitates interactions between the various parts of the project. This part of the project is responsible for ensuring that communication about the project’s process and results occurs as planned. This includes updating websites and LinkedIn posts, sending news updates to newsletters, as well as communicating and reporting to partners.

Gothenburg Green city zone

The project is part of the Gothenburg Green City Zone, which aims to create emission-free zones in the city by 2030 through testing. Having an exchange with the GGCZ will be important for disseminating the project’s results and gaining valuable knowledge about passenger and freight transportation.

Net Zero Carbon Events

The project is aligned with Net Zero Carbon Events, an industry initiative working to reduce emissions in the events sector in line with the Paris Agreement. The initiative reports on emissions reduction measures from events and develops methods to measure the industry’s climate impact.

The UN Global Goals

Brown icon for Goal 12 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, "Responsible consumption and production."
Green icon for Goal 13 of the 17 global goals, Climate action.

The project primarily contributes to two of the UN’s global goals: Sustainable Consumption and Production and Climate Action.


The project Solutions for Climate-Smart Events which is mainly financed by Vinnova FFI (Vehicle Strategic Research and Innovation) is led by Göteborg & Co, Business Region Göteborg, Got Event, and the University of Gothenburg. It is coordinated by RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) and involves a wide range of partners.

Solutions for climate-smart events (

Core partners: Göteborg & Co, RISE, the University of Gothenburg, Business Region Göteborg AB, Got Event.

Project partners: Einride AB, Liseberg Aktiebolag, Lugerinc AB, MTR Express, Volvo Technology AB, EC2B Mobility, GLC Ekonomisk Förening, Smart Resenär, Göteborg Energi AB, Nobina Travis AB, Voi Technology AB, Compass Group AB, Generation Waste AB, Planeten Panter , Klimato AB, Greenfood AB, Stadsmiljöförvaltningen – Göteborgs stad, Svenska Mässan Gothia Towers, Sweden Meetx AB, Västtrafik AB, Samtrafiken , Velove Bikes AB, Göteborgs Friidrottsförbund, Göteborgsvarvet, Science Park Borås, Göteborg Film Festival, KåBe Power AB, Ullevi konferens och kiosker AB, Världsnaturfonden WWF.

Financiers: Vinnova, FFI.

Do you want to join?

Do you have a really great idea on how to work with climate-smart events? Do you want to participate in the thinking process or support the project in other ways? Get in touch, collaboration is the key to success in innovation and development. Contact information can be found at the bottom of the page.

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Filip Eklund

Sustainable Development Officer, Events
+46 31 368 42 78