Lord Mayor welcomes international students to Gothenburg
Three hundred international students from all over the world were welcomed to Gothenburg on Tuesday at a welcome event hosted by Unimeet in partnership with the City of Gothenburg. The students enjoyed food and drinks, mingled with other students, and were welcomed by Mayor Aslan Akbas and Malin Engelbrecht, head of the Trade & Industry Group at Göteborg & Co.
– International students and researchers are important to Gothenburg! We want them to enjoy what the city has to offer and find opportunities to stay, work and build their lives here, said Malin Engelbrecht.

Vincent, a student of microtechnology, was one of the participants in the event. He said he came to meet new people and learn more about Gothenburg.
– It’s a great way to expand your network and open yourself up to new cultures, new ways of thinking, and new people from different sectors, he said.
Henrik, a student of computer science, was also there. When asked what had been most surprising about his stay so far, he replied as follows.
– The way I’ve been welcomed here is surprising. I’ve been on exchange before, but it’s something out of the ordinary to get a welcome from the city’s mayor as well as the entire welcome week from the university. It was really a positive surprise for me, said Henrik.

The welcome evening is project-managed by Unimeet Gothenburg, an initiative from the Gothenburg Trade and Industry Group in collaboration with Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg.