International students meet Gothenburg’s business community during Unimeet Gothenburg’s Career Day
Unimeet’s Career Day 16 October, attracted over 300 international students to Lindholmen Conference Centre to partake in a grand program about the future of living and working in Gothenburg. At the event, the students got to meet companies from different industries, get feedback on their CV and take a professional photo. On stage and in the smaller conference halls, workshops and lectures were held during the day.

Abhilash Ram was the conferencier on the big stage during the day.
– It’s been wonderful to see 300-400 students all walking in a hall, all looking for an opportunity to either prove themselves or to learn something. To see this kind of aspiration and inspiration, it’s truly been a wonderful time, says Abhilash Ram.
Unimeet asked Abhilash how different perspectives and cultures can enrich the workplace.
– When people comes from different background, it is also with different views on how to solve something. I think the mixture of people creates this innovative environment that questions already existing solutions. Organisations have a lot to gain from an international environment, like this, being fostered. Events like Unimeet’s Career Day needs to happen more often with more actors so that these students can find a place in Sweden.
Elina Tüür, student within life science, thought the day was inspiring and informative.
– I think it is useful to get to know the field, get to know people. The speech about LinkedIn was very useful and to hear about the opportunities here and how they hire in Sweden.
Another student, Humayun Kabir, had this to say about the event.
– I was thinking this is the right time to connect with the companies and people, where I can introduce myself for future opportunities. Career Day has been an excellent place to do just that.
Ram Nair, founder and CEO of Mycorena, was present during the event. We asked him what students should think of when they apply for a job.
– Most important is to know what the company is doing and that the appliants do their homework to understand what the company stands for. If that is clear it is much easier to know if that person is right for the position or not.

Career Day is carried out by Unimeet Gothenburg, which is a collaboration between the University of Gothenburg, Chalmers and the Industry & Trading group at Göteborg & Co. The purpose of Unimeet Gothenburg is to create cultural and social meeting places and networking opportunities for international students, researchers and staff in Gothenburg, as well as to strengthen their exchange with the business world.