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The Hybrid+ Method

Meeting and event organisers now face a transition, in which they need to adapt according to their target group and identify their new format. Hybrid+ is a three-step model for meeting and event organisers that want to take the next step towards a new, more digital format. This method should provide guidance when event arrangers plan and decide on a hybrid format. The idea is to take conditions, aims and objectives, target groups, the business model and technical opportunities as starting points.

What is Hybrid+?

  • Advice and support for those meetings and events that show an interest in the hybrid format
  • A method for taking the next step towards a new digital format
  • Three steps that result in decision-making data and documentation for a project plan
  • A knowledge-enhancing initiative in the transition towards the hybrid format

A three-step-model aiming to:

  • Establish and analyse the target group’s desired effect
    What should the target group’s various segments get out of the digital and physical formats?
  • Build a new format
    What should the experience be like for physical and digital participants? Analysing needs and creating an adapted format.
  • Create content and technical solutions
    How can we create interactive content with energy? Which platforms and technologies are needed?

The basic requirements for creating a successful digital format or hybrid format

To avoid misunderstandings and to create a good product that meets the client’s expectations, start with a brief that answers the following questions:

  • What is the aim of the meeting/event? 
  • Is the digital element important, and what is its function? 
  • Is the aim met by offering customers a digital product in parallel? 

Step 1: Target groups, aim, objective and budget

Firstly, answer the following questions:

  • Do we know our target groups and what they want?
  • Do we have a clear aim for the event/meeting and an objective?
  • Do we have an overview budget, and do we know which risks we are prepared to take?

Step 2: The hybrid format

  • Go through examples of different hybrid formats for inspiration
  • Decide whether physical or digital participants – or both – should be prioritised in terms of the experience.
  • Create your adapted hybrid format by going through our checklist.

Step 3: Think in new ways

Do we need to think in new ways to create a superior experience and interactivity? If yes, link up with content experts to create interesting content with energy and meet creative experts. If not, ask yourself if you need to create a cost-effective meeting/event with technology suppliers? If you do, Göteborg & Co can help to set up a specification of requirements and link up with suitable technology suppliers.

All set!

You have now created an adapted format!